Saturday Morning Happy Hour Anniversary
Ravenna City Park 165 Oakwood St., Ravenna, OH, United StatesMeeting at 11:00 am. Food to follow. Please bring a covered dish! 50/50 drawing, door prizes. There is a playground at the park for kids.
Meeting at 11:00 am. Food to follow. Please bring a covered dish! 50/50 drawing, door prizes. There is a playground at the park for kids.
Barberton Monday Nite is holding its 82nd anniversary on Monday, October 9, 2023. Doors open at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm. Lead at 8:00 pm. Please bring a covered...
Crossroads is holding its 59th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 15. Doors open at 5:30, eat at 6:30, Roosevelt M. will lead at 7:30 pm. The group is providing chicken and...
One Day at a Time is holding its 42nd anniversary on Wednesday, Oct. 25. Doors open at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm. Josh and Kim K will lead at...
Spiritual Solutions is holding its 7th anniversary on Friday, Nov. 10. Doors open at 5:00 pm, food at 5:30 pm and Cindy L. will lead at 6:30 pm. The group...
Back to Basics is holding its 39th anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 11. Doors open at 8 am, breakfast at 9 am and Chance L. will lead at 10 am. The...
Mogadore Thursday Monrning Discussion Group is having its 51st anniversary virtual meeting. The meeting starts at 10:00 am with Jim S. leading. Zoom Id: 5662134684
Wadsworth Thursday is holding its 73rd anniversary on Thursday, Nov. 16. Doors open at 5:30 pm, eat at 6:30 pm and Deb H. will lead at 8:00 pm. The group...
Into Actin is holding its 40th anniversary on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Eat at 6:15 pm. Chad S. will lead at 7:00 pm. The group...
Warrior Women is holding its 6th anniversary on Monday, January 8, 2024. Doors open at 6:00 pm and Cindy L. will lead at 7:00 pm.
Son's of Ebby is holding it's 8th annual anniversary and Chili Cook-Off. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Eat at 7:00 pm. Earl C. will lead at 8:00 pm. This is...
Saturday Night with the Guys is holding its 28th anniversary on Saturday January 20. Doors open at 6 pm, food at 6:10 pm and Mike W. will lead at 7:00...
Doors open at 6:00 pm. Food at 7:00 pm. Tom and Laurie B. will lead at 8:00 pm. The group is providing pizza, chicken and jojos.
The Trusted Servants Group is holding its 6th anniversary on Friday, Feb. 2. Doors open at 6:30 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm and the meeting is at 8:00 pm. The...
Akron General is holding its 53rd anniversary n Thursday, Feb. 8. Doors open at 5:45. Eat at 6:15 pm. Derrick M. will lead at 7 pm. The group is providing...
Tuesday Women's Big Book is holding its 38th anniversary. Doors open at 11:00 am. Meeting and lead at noon. Lunch, door prizes and 50/50 drawing.
Sober Living is celebrating its 12th anniversary on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Doors open at 11:00 am. Please bring a covered dish.
Akron Men's Big Book is holding its anniversary on Thursday, February 22, 2024. All are welcome - especially the ladies! Doors open at 4:30 pm, eat at 5:00 pm and...
Falls Discussion Group is holding its anniversary on March 13. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Lead at 7:30 pm. The group is providing pizza, cake, food, fun and fellowship!
Thursday Night Freedom is holding its 35th anniversary on Thursday, April 11. Doors open at 5:00 pm, dinner at 6:00 pm and Jack M. will lead at 7:00 pm. The...