The Flame Breakfast Group is holding its 56th anniversary on Sunday, June 4. Coffee at 1:00 pm. Dinner at 2:00 pm. Michael H. will lead. Door prizes and raffle. Tickets are $23.00. Call Rick H at (330) 275-6211 for tickets.
Akron Men's Big Book Study Group will be holding their meeting at the gravesite of Bill D. AA #3 in Greelawn Cemetery. The group will read the AA#3 story from the Big Book and then have a wreath placing ceremony. THere will be no regular meeting at the Front Porch Cafe.
The Primary Purpose Group is holding the 2nd annual Welcome Home event on Thursday, June 8, 2023. Doors open at 6:00 pm, eat at 7:00 pm and lead at 8:00 pm. This event is held the day before Founders' Day begins and is open to everyone. Free dinner, games, door prizes and raffles.
The 41st annual New London Camp Out will be held from June 15-June 18 at New London Recreational Park. AA and Al-Anon leads, old-timers panel, pot luck dinner, 50/50, raffles. You do not have to camp to attend. For more information email:
B&W Saturday Night is holding its 44th anniversary and weenie roast on June 17. Doors open at 6:00 pm, eat at 6:45 pm, Art S. will lead at 8:00 pm. The group is providing drinks, chips, hotdogs, buns and fixings. Please bring a covered dish!