The Council Meeting will be held at the Paridise Club, 1710 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls OH 44221. This meeting can also be attended via Zoom: Meeting ID: 696 892 1188 Password: 724890
If you or your group would like to help with the planning of the second annual Akron Intergroup Poker Run, come to the Intergroup Office at 9:00 am Saturday March 19, 2022. There are many volunteer opportunities for this fundraiser.
Area 54 is holding its 47th Mini-Conference march 25-27 at Doubletree Hilton in Westlake, OH. Click here for details and the registration form:
Ravenna Sober Checkpoint is hosting a karaoke night from 6-9 pm on Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 1995 Brady Lake Rd., Kent oH 4420. Free food and kids are welcomed. Please bring a covered dish if you can!