Founders’ Day Pre-Registration Opens
Intergroup OfficePre-registration for the 90th annual Founders' Day start March 1 and run through May 15, 2025. For conference information visit Founders' Day Registration
Pre-registration for the 90th annual Founders' Day start March 1 and run through May 15, 2025. For conference information visit Founders' Day Registration
Primary Purpose Monday Night 12 & 12 is holding its first anniversary on March 3. Doors open at 5:30 pm, eat at 6:00 pm and a dual AA / Al-Anon lead from Dave and Mary Ellen Y. will be at 7:00 pm.
Open night mic event features Todd H., Zach H., John E., Corry B., Tony H., Charlie B., John D., Ken S. and Tom B.
For more information and registration, visit:
The Akron Area Intergroup Treatment and Corrections Committees are hosting a joint fellowship meeting every second Saturday of the month at the Paridise Club. Pizza and fellowship from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. A "West-Coast-Style" AA Speaker Meeting from 4:30 - 5:30 pm with 10-minute and 20-minute speakers. Come hang out and meeting with friends, old...
Kent Friday Night is holding its 84th anniversary on Friday, March 14. Doors open at 6:00 pm, eat at 7:00 pm and Sandra S. will lead at 8:00 pm. The group is providing kielbasa, kraut and cake. Please bring a covered dish. Split-the-pot, lottery tree and door prizes.
Spring Seminar Seminar Chair: Nikk M. Have You A Sufficient Substitute? Panelists Charles / Darnella / Amanda Food I Fun I Fellowship March 15, 2025 Doors open 12:30 pm, food served at 1:00 pm Chicken and Pizza provided, covered dishes welcome Contact Jeff C., Multi-District Chair 330-813-8338
In-person at the Pilgrim United Church or on Zoom. Zoom ID: 82964369215 Password: AKRON
In person at the Brunswick 12 Step Recovery Club or on Zoom. Zoom ID: 8089617570 Password: Area54
Falls Discussion Group is holding its 47th anniversary on Wednesday, March 19. Doors open at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm and Susan B. will lead at 7:30 pm. The group is providing a barbecue and cake.
The Primary Purpose Group is holding a conference March 21-23. The event features 3 days of speakers, food and a 50/50 drawing. For reservations and payment information call David Y. (330) 442-6980, Mary Ellen Y. (330) 977-0467 or Michael B. (234) 788-3961.