Nominations for this year's Executive Board candidates must be submitted by 5:00 pm
The 41st annual New London Camp Out will be held from June 15-June 18 at New London Recreational Park. AA and Al-Anon leads, old-timers panel, pot luck dinner, 50/50, raffles. You do not have to camp to attend. For more information email:
B&W Saturday Night is holding its 44th anniversary and weenie roast on June 17. Doors open at 6:00 pm, eat at 6:45 pm, Art S. will lead at 8:00 pm. The group is providing drinks, chips, hotdogs, buns and fixings. Please bring a covered dish!
Food at 5:30 pm, meeting at 6:30 pm. The group is providing pizza, jojo's and desert.
Doors open at 6:00 pm, eat at 7:00 pm and Paul K. to speak at 8:00 pm. Please bring a covered dish to share. Door prizes, money tree, split-the-pot.
Water's Park is hosting a Euchre tournament with all proceeds being donated to the Akron Area Intergroup. The cost for the event is $10 per player. Prizes, 50/50 raffle, split-the-pot. Hamburgers, hot dogs and coffee will be provided. Covered dishes are appreciated. Only those who RSVP will be able to play. RSVP to